It’s been crazy!

Hello my fellow bullet journalers and readers!

I am sooo sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything on here. These last few months have been super busy for me, and I am sure everyone is a bit crazed and anxious with what has been happening in the last few weeks with the coronavirus! In fact, I can thank the virus for the reason I am writing here today, because I now have extra time to do things I wouldn’t get to normally do. I know this is a terrible time and it is extremely scary, but some good things have come out of it too! People like me are getting more time to pursue activities, spend *quality* time with family away from distractions, and air pollution has even decreased as less cars are driving on the streets. Especially for me, this means more bullet journaling and reading! I have taken this time to read books that I have been meaning to catch up on (reviews to come).

Anyway, this post was mainly for me to let you know that I’m still here and I am still trying my hardest to keep up with the blog. My next few posts will be about my 2020 journal and my March spreads. I don’t want to overload on content in so little time, so I am just going to skip the January and February spreads.

I hope everyone is staying safe and washing their hands! How are you coping with what’s happening and has this time opened up any opportunities for you to pursue different activities?