Love and War: An Alex and Eliza Story

~No Spoilers~

Hey hey hey and happy summer!!!

School is finally out and that means more time to read great books! Speaking of good books, I just finished reading Love and War: an Alex and Eliza Story, by Melissa de la Cruz. This story did not disappoint, and left me wanting more, and sure enough, the third book is coming out next spring! What is so amazing about this series is that it is “inspired by and mostly based on historical fact,” as the author puts it. De la Cruz brings history to life in a fun way that doesn’t bore the reader (ahem, history teachers- take a hint) and is really interesting. I loved reading about the characters that were involved in the creation of America the way it is today, and am awestruck at how their stories unfolded. I got to meet the famous and rich people from Linley Murray and Gouverneur Morris to Sarah and John Jay, along with Aaron Burr, and the Van Renssealaers and Livingstons of New York. And of course General Washington himself, the Marqui de Lafayette, and obviously the famous Alexander Hamilton. I learned that the wigs everyone wore that were all the rage were not very comfortable, and there were many mishaps that left me laughing. Even the descriptions of the decorations, outfits, and the glitz and glam of the wealthy parties brought the late 1700’s to life. The romance between ‘Betsy’ (as Alex calls Eliza) and Alex was as sweet as ever, even through the rough obstacles that life brought them. Although there were no cameras at the time, reading this book felt as though I was looking at pictures and videos of the 1780’s. So put on those cozy socks, grab some hot tea, and find a relaxing place to read, because you’re not going to want to miss out on this adventure.

Just finished Alex and Eliza

(This post contains no spoilers)

Hi, I finally finished reading Alex and Eliza, by Melissa de la Cruz, and I LOVED IT! If you’re looking for a cute, romantic, short read, then this is the book for you! In short, this is a story about Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schulyer. The book is a historical, fictional representation of the way they met, how they fell in love, and eventually married. Some details included are true, like the way Eliza wore a poem Alex wrote her in a locket around her neck. Personally, I love historical novels, because they allow you to jump to a time period that has actually occurred, unlike futuristic novels. I have read novels based in this time (late 1700s), but they were in the point of view of slaves. I enjoyed reading them, and this book was a nice way to see the perspective from the other way around, even though the Schuylers were not slave holders. This book was full of drama, action, romance, and even a bit of mystery. And guess what? There’s another book, called Love and War! And a third one is coming out next spring. I have just started reading the second book, so stay tuned to hear about it!

War Storm Trailer!!

The trailer for the highly anticipated War Storm, by Victoria Aveyard, is finally out! This trailer confirms the five points of views in the story: Mare, Maven, Cal, Iris, and Evangeline!! I cannot believe we will get the opportunity to see things from the Calore brothers’ perspective! I am especially interested in seeing how Maven’s mind and inner thoughts will be portrayed, what with all the mind influence he has had from his late mother, Queen Elara. It must have been difficult to write from his point of view, because of how complex and deep his character is. I also cannot wait to see what Cal has to say, because of his big betrayal at the end of the last book, King’s Cage. You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Cal. We’re used to Mare, and recently Evangeline from King’s Cage, but Iris? She’s such a new character, I’m really curious to see her idea on things. Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! 9 more days till the release! What do you think about these new points of view?

Link to War Storm trailer:

War Storm secrets from the author:

Trying it out!

Hi, this is officially my first blog post. I will write my first review/ talk about a book once I finish the book I am currently reading, Alex and Eliza by Melissa De La Cruz. As of now, I am extremely excited and anxious for War Storm, by Victoria Aveyard to release on May 15!!! This is the fourth book to the Red Queen series, and is much anticipated by all the fans! It is rumored to have different points of views, and I can’t wait to see what Mare (the main character) has in store for us!!