I met Marie Lu!

Hello everyone!

I know I have not been very active lately, because I just have not had enough time to actually read a leisure book. I hope to read more YA books as soon as I get more time. But until then…

Let me tell you about this amazing experience I had recently- I had the opportunity to meet Marie Lu! As you may know, she is a YA writer, known for the Legend trilogy, the Young Elites trilogy, and the Warcross duology. The second book of the Warcross series, Wildcard, just recently came out, and Ms. Lu was on tour, signing copies and answering questions.

While she was answering questions, I got some really interesting information about what she’s working on, her inspiration, and writing advice. (FYI- she’s even cooler in person!)

I have also attached a Warcross trailer by Penguin Teen here to view:

Happy reading!